Thomas Swift Productions

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Posted by Nick Foulger on Saturday, January 23, 2016, In : Website 
I've just realised it's 2016 and my last post was in 2014! Time flies.

Last year I was busy writing the latest Thomas Swift book. However, every day life and focus on work took over. I did however find time to update the Playmobil Hair page in May 2015, and purchase many more klickies with new hairstyles that I have yet to photograph....

It's now 2016 and although I still haven't sorted out my life / work balance, I successfully submitted an ambitious Playmobil project and I now have to create ...

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Playmobil Hairstyles!

Posted by Nick Foulger on Monday, April 7, 2014, In : Website 
After over a year I've finally managed to get around to updating the Playmobil Hair page showing all the bare-headed Playmobil hairstyles available and in what colours.

It includes new styles coming out in Germany in the Summer, and I think it's comprehensive... please tell me if you know of any more"!

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Woodsetton School Playmobil Display

Posted by Nic on Monday, March 10, 2014, In : Website 
I haven't blogged since September! The main reason is being back at work, but more recently it's because the house has again been overtaken by boxes of Playmobil as I prepared a Western display for the first Playmobil Exhibition at Woodsetton School near Dudley.

Phil, a headmaster responded to my suggestion at the Playmobil Collector's Club of having a Playmobil UK Exhibition, and very kindly offered his school as the ideal venue. He came out with his Playmo habit and soon he had the whole sch...

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Back to work!

Posted by Nic on Monday, August 12, 2013, In : Website 

It's been quite a while since I posted: I''ve been busy looking for a job, and I start work tomorrow! (..having just had two weeks holiday with the family in France!) This means that the updates to my new "Me and Playmobil" section have been delayed, but I hope to update the Playmobil Hair section again soon :)

I've also decided what my next writing project will be and will hopefully be able fit this around my full-time job and housework!

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Me and Playmobil !

Posted by Nic on Sunday, May 12, 2013, In : Website 

I've just started a new section called "Me and Playmobil" - an opportunity for me to tell you how I got in Playmobil and showcase some of my non Green Man related projects and showcase my project. There's just one section at the moment on some custom buildings and figures, but the next thing I want to post are some pictures of my first Playmobil... or I should say Playpeople :)

Click on the Picture to find out more!

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Spot the Difference Game!

Posted by Nic on Friday, April 5, 2013, In : Website 
Want to spend some time on the beach with the vikings?
Have a go at spotting the 10 differences between these two photos:-


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Playmobil Hair page updated!

Posted by Nic on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In : Website 
A major update on the Hair page!  Hopefully I've covered all bare-headed styles and colours. There are plenty of new styles, many first appearing in the Figures series.

There are also 7 new colours - increasing the total by a massive one third in just a year!  Some of them like Pink and Blue appear in the new Fairies series, but I can see these being used for trendy teenagers too!  Two other new colours - Light Yellow and Dark Brown are great general use additions!

Playmobil Hair

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Playmobil Hair!

Posted by Nic on Tuesday, October 30, 2012, In : Website 
I've updated the Playmobil Hair page with photos of the newer hairstyles. I still do not have them all, but it's getting there... and there'll probably be new ones out in 2013!

The page shows all the hairstyles for bareheaded (hatless!) klickies!

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Links Page

Posted by Nic on Sunday, April 22, 2012, In : Website 
A new page with links to related websites and some personal favourites has been added.

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Playmobil Hair - bare headed styles!

Posted by Nic on Monday, January 30, 2012, In : Website 

A new resource for Playmobil customizers - a gallery of PLAYMOBIL HAIR !

I've focused on bare headed styles, and the list isn't yet comprehensive... but getting there ;) Just klick on the link :)

Playmobil Hair

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Photo Editing Techniques 3

Posted by Nic on Tuesday, January 24, 2012, In : Website 
Find the third in the series of articles covering basic photo editing techniques in the 'Odds and Ends' page.  See how you can make Playmobil car doors open ;)

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Leave comments on the blog page!

Posted by Nic on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, In : Website 
You can now leave comments on my posts: just open the the particular post you want to comment on, and you will see a comments box. :)
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News and photo

Posted by Nic on Thursday, November 10, 2011, In : Website 

I have not posted for a while - promotion of "The Green Man" has taken a back seat while production on the sequel - "The Doomsday Tablet" has finally started in earnest.  I've been working on making the first set out of foam and card.

However, I've added a picture to the Picture Gallery.

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New - Odds and Ends Gallery !

Posted by Nic on Saturday, October 29, 2011, In : Website 
I've created a new gallery of photos (see the link on the 'Odds and Ends' page).  There are pictures of artwork used in the book, like posters, some behind the scene shots and detailed shots of some of the sets used.  I'll be adding to this :)
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Photo Editing Techniques 2

Posted by Nic on Thursday, October 27, 2011, In : Website 
Find the second in the series of articles covering basic photo editing techniques in the 'Odds and Ends' page, this time covering getting the whole picture in focus, tidying up and creating an image for a TV screen !
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Posted by Nic on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, In : Website 
The first French and German feedback has started to come in - see the various Feedback pages :)

Remember you can leave feedback by emailing

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Visual References in "The Green Man"

Posted by Nic on Tuesday, October 18, 2011, In : Website 
Did those birds on Page 6 remind you of something...?  I've started another new page about the visual references in "The Green Man" - accessed via the "Odds and Ends" page.
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Mistake on UK Shipping Rates

Posted by Nic on Thursday, October 6, 2011, In : Website 
Unfortunately when editing the shipping options button I managed to delete the option for sending 1 book within the UK - which comes to  £2.00.

Many apologies - this has now been corrected!

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....more Feedback

Posted by Nic on Friday, September 30, 2011, In : Website 
I've added some more items on the feedback page:  the reaction of my first eBay customer and a blog article by Johanne's partner.  The feedback is very much appreciated.  :)

It seems, from the other things I'm hearing, that the printed book has the advantage of a wider circulation than the eBook, which will please traditionalists!

Johanne's partner runs an online mail order business ( dealing in fantasy art.

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The Boutique-en-Ligne has now been updated!

Posted by Nic on Wednesday, September 28, 2011, In : Website 

The French version of the Online-Store so that French speakers can now place orders in their own language - many thanks Estelle!

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German Online Shop updated!

Posted by Nic on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, In : Website 

The German version of the Online-Store so that German speakers can now place orders for the printed book :)   Many thanks Johanne!

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First sale

Posted by Nic on Sunday, September 25, 2011, In : Website 
Many thanks to my first website customer from Austria :)
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Printed version now available to buy!

Posted by Nic on Friday, September 23, 2011, In : Website 
It's been a hectic two days since 3 boxes of books arrived yesterday morning, registering all kinds of new accounts. Anyway, you can now purchase The Green Man, L'homme en vert and Der Grune Mann via the Online store !

You can also purchase the English version on eBay... the French and German versions will follow.

If you don't want to pay by credit card, just click the 'ORDER FORM' button on the right of the Online Store page (under 'Payment Methods', enter in your requirements and I'll send yo...

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Read the site in French !

Posted by Nic on Monday, September 12, 2011, In : Website 
Most of the website is now available in French -many thanks Estelle!
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GREEN MAN Facts & Figures

Posted by Nic on Saturday, September 10, 2011, In : Website 
Check out the new GREEN MAN Facts & Figures section in the "Odds and ends" page :)
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Photos added to Picture gallery

Posted by Nic on Saturday, September 10, 2011, In : Website 
Some more photos have been added to the Picture gallery
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Read the site in German!

Posted by Nic on Tuesday, September 6, 2011, In : Website 

Most of the website is now available to read in German - many thanks Johanne!

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About Me

Author of "The Green Man" Married with 3 grown up children. Currently under lock down, thinking about my next writing or Playmobil project

Nick Foulger and The Green Man

The Green Man is my children's comic made with photos of the toy Playmobil, recounting the time-travelling adventures of Professor Thomas Swift.

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Posted 531 weeks ago
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Posted 531 weeks ago
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Posted 532 weeks ago
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Posted 532 weeks ago
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Posted 532 weeks ago

A photographic comic book for the whole family - in 9 video chapters -

You can also read it as an ebook

Both video and ebooks are available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Posted 583 weeks ago
<p>Logjam !</p>

Logjam !

Posted 583 weeks ago

A photographic comic book for the whole family - in 9 video chapters -

You can also read it as an ebook

Both video and ebooks are available in English, French, German and Spanish.

Posted 585 weeks ago
<p>Read The Green Man comic here in English, French, German and Spanish  - <a href=""></a></p>

Read The Green Man comic here in English, French, German and Spanish  -

Posted 585 weeks ago
